Course Curriculum

    1. About This Course

    2. Disclaimer

    3. Course Objectives

    4. Meet Your Instructor

    5. What You'll Learn

    1. Female Genital Anatomy

    2. Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)

    3. Common Sexual Concerns

    4. GSM Symptoms

    5. Painful Sex

    1. Caring for Your Body

    2. Vaginal Lubricants

    3. Vaginal Moisturizers

    1. Regular Sexual Activity

    2. Othercourse

    3. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

    4. Vaginal Dilators

    5. Solutions for Painful Sex: Ohnut

    1. Laser Treatment

    2. Estrogen Therapy

    3. ACOG Committee Opinion 2016

    4. Intrarosa and Osphena

    1. Self-Care

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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